Endless pleasure

The SilverFit Alois offers a wide variety of exercise and community activities to create moments of happiness for residents and clients in (geriatric) residential care centers, the hospital and the VG sector.

Remote activities

Alois Move with tour filmsMake beautiful trips by moving.
Alois De VosThe fox catches grapes and chickens as the hull is moved.
Alois Repeat me!The little fox stimulates to imitate daily actions.
Alois Funfair with tinsThrow all cans to make a throwing move.
Alois Funfair with moving targetsTry to hit the moving animals with an arm movement.
Alois beach ballOvercome the beach ball by moving the torso or arms.
Alois BingoGet bingo by bending or standing up at the right numbers. This game can also be played with two players.
SilverFit Alois Picture BingoGet bingo by standing up at the right plate or bending forward.
Alois Photos need cleaningMake the image appear by stroking the screen.

Activities on music

Alois Conducting with musicThis enthusiastic conductor shows you how you can conduct with the music.  
Alois Music GameBy moving with the upper body and the arms you make the most beautiful music.  
Alois Sit DancingDancing together from the chair.  

Cognitive activities

SilverFit Alois RaadHetPlaatjeGuess what the picture says when the blocks turn.
Match Alois PicturesFind two equal pictures.  
Alois Match photosFind two identical photos from an existing folder or play with your own photos.  
Alois Sound RecognitionChoose the correct image for a sound by moving the torso or arms.  
Alois Puzzling with photosComplete the picture on the photo.  
Alois Head countChoose the correct answer from the sum by moving with the upper body or arms.  
Alois Trail MakingConnect the dots to create a nice image.  
Alois MemoryThe well-known memory game can also be played with your own photos.  

Talk about memories

Alois User FilmsGet nice memories and talk about videos that you can add to the system yourself.  
Alois Slide ShowThe slide show of your own photos provides fun conversation topics.  
Alois Choose photosWhich photo do you want to see big and why?  


SilverFit Alois ReisDoorDeTijdView old slide shows of famous cities.
SilverFit Alois FotostudioTake a picture of a beautiful moment or with the (grand) children.
Alois Animal FilmsLook what a sweet animal! Relaxed watching or chatting about one of the 43 animal films.  
Alois AquariumRelax and watch the fish swim in this lifelike aquarium.  
Alois FireplaceStaring comfortably at the mobile flames.  
Alois Move with tourfims without movingYou can also watch the beautiful tours without moving.